How to Avoid Vacation Conundrums

Sometimes when you go on vacation, you get stuck doing what everyone else wants or maybe you’re the leader trying to plan activities that everyone will enjoy. Either way, it’s easy to find yourself in the position of being unhappy with the itinerary. Russell shares some advice about how to avoid finding yourself in this spot.  

Topics Discussed:

  • Vacation activities

  • Thinking of others in your party

  • Standing up for yourself


Hi, I'm Russell Rivera, founder and president of voice wealth management. Welcome back to our blog series. Have you ever gone on a trip? with people you don't know? Well? Have you ever been a leader on such a trip? Like a bachelor or bachelorette party? Or have you ever been somebody who's kind of just been along for the ride and kind of felt maybe a little steamrolled on the activities, or more importantly, how much money gets spent? 

I think as we go on and find out in these uncomfortable situations, it makes sense for us to if we're in the leadership role, or we're in what I'll call the follower role, to stop and really think about who else is involved here, and what that means. It's very easy if you're the leader and a strong personality, to think, Hey, I've got something fun. This is fun. Let's do it. I'm going to add it to the trip. Without thinking, not necessarily, but certainly not maliciously, without recognizing there are other people who may not follow. Feel comfortable. We seek discomfort. And just going along for the ride, and then feeling bad about after? Or if you're one of the other people, have you ever felt like I just have to go along? Because I really don't want to say, I don't know, I feel like they get steamrolled. This is more than I want to do or can do. 

If you're in one of these situations, stop and think if you're the leader, you stop and think about other people and recognize that they may not be in the same situation as you. And you may need to get a bit of feedback. If you're in the follower situation. It's okay. Stand your ground. Say, I really can't do that. I'm really not into that. It will be might be feel uncomfortable, certainly will. It might get mildly tendentious, probably not. But at the end of the day, you're showing that you're thinking about others if you're the leader. And you're making sure for yourself that you don't put yourself in a bad situation if you're in the fall. 

So I certainly having these difficult conversations and these situations when you're going on a trip or doing a bachelor party or bachelorette party. It certainly makes sense to have an open mind as to how others might be thinking or feeling even though they might not tell you and it's okay to stand up for yourself and state your own priorities and needs if you're a follower. 

With that. I'm Russell Rivera. Thanks very much. Hopefully this was helpful and we'll see you next time.

Russell D. Rivera, CFA, CFP® is the Founder and President of Voice Wealth Management (Voice) in New York, NY. He also likes to think of himself as a Personal CFO and Financial “Therapist” for entrepreneurs, young professionals, and their families. He helps clients make prudent financial decisions regarding spending, saving, investing, and planning while giving a voice to the individual client's financial priorities and experiences.