Protecting Your Future Self

In this video, Russel Rivera discusses the importance of protecting your future self from your current self by making smart financial decisions today. He shares insights on how financial advisors can help clients avoid potential regrets and make better choices for their long-term financial well-being.

You can watch this video and others on the Voice Wealth Management YouTube channel.


So hi, I'm Russ Rivera, founder and president of voice wealth management. And welcome back to Sidewalk Talk. So I recently did a podcast which may be out now or should be coming out soon. And it was really great experience because it really helped me, not intentionally, but clarify some things about what it is I'm actually doing. And one of the things that kind of came to mind was when I'm working with clients and helping them try to figure out how they're using their money, and how to make better financial choices. I realized my job for those types of clients is to help people protect their future self, from their current self.

So how does this apply? So think about a 30-year-old person who may not necessarily be all that up on everything that is they need to do and may not be just have the perspective understandably so on things that could happen in 40, 50 years or whatever. Well, in that case, the best thing is somebody who does understand those things. And granted, I'm not super old, but just the idea that someone like myself can help them make decisions now that will benefit them later. And not deal with the regret, of perhaps having made a mistake. Again, as I've said, we make mistakes every day. But nonetheless, sometimes big mistakes get made, that could be a real problem.

So that's it. Just think about how you might want your future self protecting from your current self. And any mistakes you may not even know that you're making. Actually think about that. And maybe it will be an opportunity to improve that part of your life today. So that's it. This is Russell Rivera with Sidewalk Talk. We'll see you next time.

Russell D. Rivera, CFA, CFP® is the Founder and President of Voice Wealth Management (Voice) in New York, NY. He also likes to think of himself as a Personal CFO and Financial “Therapist” for entrepreneurs, young professionals, and their families. He helps clients make prudent financial decisions regarding spending, saving, investing, and planning while giving a voice to the individual client's financial priorities and experiences.